Thursday, October 14, 2004

Go Cardinals!

Minutes ago, Boston lost its second straight game in the American League Championship Series, while St. Louis topped Houson in the first game of the National League series.

In other words, both series are going pretty much as expected. Bad news for the A.L.; good news for the N.L.

I really, really would like to see someone besides the Yankees representing the junior circuit in the Series for once. But those darned Sox just can't do the job, even though the Yanks are clearly outmatched on the mound. I sure wouldn't have bet on both Curt Schilling and Pedro Martinez coming up empty in the first two games, but there you go.

Even if New York tops Boston again for a Series spot, at least I'll have a team to root for. Frankly, I don't mind having either Houston or St. Louis as the Yankees' eventual opponent.

The Astros as a team are almost as old as I am, yet hadn't even won a post-season series until oh, Monday. And it hasn't been for lack of trying. So the sympathy factor plays a big role here. Having said that, the team is good enough to deserve a Series slot. This year's edition of the Astros certainly is as good as any in the history of the franchise. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing ace starters Clemens and Oswalt plus the 2004 edition of "the Killer B's" (now up to four) taking on the Bronx Bombers.

But the Cardinals would give the Yanks a better fight, and would be more fun to watch in the bargain.

The St. Louis infield is the stuff of legend. An N.L. All-Star team with Rolen, Renteria, Womack and Pujols would be impressive. But having all four playing on one team is simply unbelievable. But wait! There's more! An outfield of Edmonds, Walker and Reggie Sanders! ("J.D." who?) The weak link in the lineup, Mike Methany, is hardly dead weight; he's probably the best defensive catcher in baseball. On the mound, the Cards aren't overwhelming, but they had a five-man rotation that's more than respectable. Without Chris Carpenter, the rotation is still above average, even if it has "only" three 15-game winners left.

If the Red Sox pull off a miracle and topple the Yankees, more power to them. But if they can't do the job, I'm confident that either possible World Series opponent can.


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