Saturday, October 23, 2004

George Carlin is a foolish old man

Tonight on the comedy-oriented, Internet-based DefCon Radio Network, I happened to catch some of George Carlin's stand-up routine. I don't mean his stuff from 30 years ago, when he was funny. I'm talking about his recent moronic "humor" on the war in Iraq.

The first thing I hear is Carlin spewing that the United States bombs only "brown people." Oh, really, Georgie? You mean, like the Serbs? We all remember what a threat to national security Yugoslavia was 10 years ago, though, so an undeclared war without U.N. approval (gasp!) was justified there, though. Plus, France approved, and that's all that matters when the issue of protecting U.S. security comes up. Besides, French government officials weren't getting any kickbacks from Belgrade, so they weren't motivated to play pacifists back then.

Anyway, Carlin goes on about how he doesn't trust anything the government said. No, Carlin's too smart for that. He thinks for himself, he says. Apparently, he believes only what Michael Moore, Al Franken, George Soros and others like them tell him, and we all know how much they respect the truth. Hey, Carlin, speaking of Soros, maybe you should work into your act the irony of the neo-communist's being funded by a billionaire currency trader. You want people to think for themselves, right? Put that out there, and let the tree-huggers chew on that for a while.

The last part of Carlin's "comedy" that I could stand to listen to was Carlin's proud assertion that he is unmoved by yellow ribbons and flags because they're symbols, and he leaves symbols to the "symbol-minded." Yuck, yuck, yuck. Hey, George, I could tell that the stoners who comprised your audience got a big kick out of that. Well, your aversion to symbols is ironic, George, since you are a symbol yourself. You symbolize the aging hippy liberal moron who is clueless about how the world really is.

Grow up, George. It's about time, don't you think?


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