Friday, October 29, 2004

Curse's demise ends a great season

Everyone who follows baseball by now has heard all he wants to hear about the Boston Red Sox and their "curse," now finally broken. I certainly count myself as "everyone" in this case, so I'll keep my comments about Boston brief.

I was rooting for the Cardinals, but I'm happy Boston won. The Red Sox had a great team this year, and they deserve the place in baseball history they're going to get. Not only did they break the Babe Ruth-era "curse," but they did it as if they were blessed, making a miraculous comeback against the Yankees in the American League Championship Series and then sweeping the World Series with four straight wins against the team with the most regular-season wins. Incredible.

Indeed, all the playoffs were entertaining this year. So was the regular season, at least until the Indians collapsed in mid-August. I honestly can say I haven't enjoyed a major league baseball season this much since I was a teenager. I can think of several reasons why this is, but near the top has to be the fact that Jacobs Field is such a fun place to visit. Of the six major league parks I've been to in my lifetime, the Jake is my favorite. Even more so than the original Comiskey Park, where I spent so much of the '80s. Also keeping me entertained this season was the Cleveland team itself, an interesting rebuilding franchise on the rise. I look forward to seeing this team in the playoffs in a year or two.

I'm glad to have a breather from baseball for now, but I'll be counting the days till spring training soon enough!


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