Thursday, April 21, 2005

Tuning out, continued

What great timing. My previous blog entry was still fresh on my mind earlier this week when I happened to catch Brian C. Anderson, Ph.D., on The O'Reilly Factor. Anderson was on the show basically to plug his new book, South Park Conservatives: The Revolt Against Liberal Media Bias. Anderson was a great guest, and I plan to read his book when I finish Ann Coulter's Slander. For those media apologists from Testy Copy Editors who claim they can't find any examples of liberal media bias, here's a whole book on the subject. Hope that helps.

If reading a book is too much to ask, then at least check out Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points" of April 19, 2005. O'Reilly focuses on what the Jayson Blair Times, Washington Compost and other rags are saying about Pope Benedict XVI. Some highlights: The Times called the Holy Father "uncompromising, bland, upsetting, divisive and an enforcer." The Times' shrew-in-residence, Maureen Dowd, said Benedict is "a 78-year-old hidebound conservative ... who once belonged to Hitler Youth." Dowd apparently doesn't know or care that joining the Hitler Youth was mandatory for young Bavarians at the time Benedict was a member. And soon after the then-16-year-old Joseph Ratzinger was drafted into the German army, he deserted. In fact, he was barely 18 when Germany unconditionally surrendered to the Allies.

That's so typical of vitriolic windbags like Dowd to portray the pope as a Nazi. Ironically, when present-day American adults who signed up to serve in their country's armed forces become deserters, then liberals and their media lapdogs are falling over themselves in their rush to portray those losers as heroes. In the world of U.S. liberalism, you get credit only for deserting the army of the United States of America — not the one of Nazi Germany. Someone should ask Ms. Dowd why that is.


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